Monday, March 8, 2010


Beer. Just saying that word makes millions os people (male and female) start salivating. I am one of the very few who don't. And because of that, I almost wonder if I was adopted... My sister drinks like a fish. Even my Mom drinks beer. My Dad outgrew beer long ago and moved on to scotch. But he will still drink beer if there's no single-malt around. I'd rather drink my own pee.

Someone once told me that if I drank enough of it, I'd grow a taste for it. During my five years of undergrad college life I tried really, really hard to acquire a taste for it (because, hey--it's waaaay cheaper than a mixed drink)--and I still can't stand the stuff. Even the strawberry ales and weird fruity flavored beers. They all have that smell and that certain aftertaste. But that doesn't mean I don't like to partake in alcoholic beverages nearly on a daily basis (so that means I'm not adopted.) What made me think about this was a post by Audrey over at Barking Mad.

I haven't totally given up on beer--I want to like it. So maybe she's onto something with Blue Moon. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but if a beer is paired with an orange slice--it's gotta be different!

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