Here's a little something I came up with at work the other day--a little peek into the inner mind of Bryan:
Trap door boogers. I hate them. You know they're out to get you. The lie there lurking, waiting for the most prominent person that you'll talk to. Then they attack. They start swinging uncontrollably in your nostrils, attempting to be seen or escape onto your shirt. The only solution is a pre-emptive strike to flush them out before it's too late. Don't be a victim. Don't underestimate the long reaching consequences of not handling them early.
OK, I admit that I texted this to my wife and she copied it down to add to her collection (she has issues.) I would have never remembered I said this stuff...but she pulled it out as she was recording some other random thing I said this morning. And here it is for the world to read. I hope my future boss doesn't ever discover this blog.
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