Saturday, October 31, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

I thought I'd just jump on the bandwagon of all the stores around here, skip Halloween Day & Thanksgiving in its entirety and start up my Christmas music, decorate the blog & house, and start wishing all of you a very merry Christmas now!

OK, I admit that I am one of those people who are excited to see that stores are putting out their Christmas decor and merchandise weeks before Halloween. Yes, I complain just like you do that they seem to do this earlier every year (soon they'll just have Christmas year-round.) But only having those beautiful decorations out for a little over a month is depressing--especially with the amount of work it takes to drag out all the boxes, hang lights and decorate the tree! I told Bryan that we should put the tree up at the beginning of October and decorate it with webs and spiderlings--I know a lot of stores that decorate trees year-round with seasonal things. Why should Christmas have all the fun?

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