Friday, November 13, 2009

Nor'easter 2009!

Someday Bryan & I will look back on these last couple of days and tell our grandkids that we survived the Great Nor’easter of 2009. I’d heard the weather reports in the preceding days, but our local media love to create drama out of nothing so I really didn’t pay attention. Until I was riding my bicycle at work as the storm rolled in just like the wicked witch in “The Wizard of Oz.” Turns out this little storm was more like a hurricane.

Fortunately, no trees fell on our house, we didn’t flood and we never lost power. Unfortunately, many of our friends’ and co-workers’ homes were flooded, had trees fall, and/or lost power.

These are not their homes—I stole these from the local TV station.
I guess this time the weatherman-drama-queen wasn’t exaggerating! The storm surge was just as high as hurricane Isabel a few years back. I didn’t think nor’easters were capable of producing tides that high, or wind & rain like we’ve had. The fishing pier down the road was completely submerged over the handrails. Some houses and large sand dunes were completely washed away down in North Carolina.

Makes me wonder what would happen if a hurricane like Ike came through here.

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