Sunday, January 3, 2010

Holiday Bonus

We just got our Holiday Bonus a la the movie "Christmas Vacation". Our co-workers kept asking us if we received it--it seems that it slipped down between the seat cushions of the courier's vehicle and was just rediscovered. Thank goodness we didn't put a down payment on a pool in anticipation.

It's a DVD. Full of propoganda. No "thank you" or "Merry Christmas" (nor a politically correct version of either) in the video itself. Just undertones of how we can be better workers.

Oh, thank you so much Big Company for your generous is nothing that we don't hear at work every other stinkin' day of the year.
Maybe I'm just supremely grouchy because I don't want to return to work tomorrow after having all this time off. Grrr... I will self-medicate via chocolate chip cookies & alcoholic beverages.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least you got yours ! They apparently didn't send me one. I hope that they're not trying to tell me something !
