Friday, September 3, 2010

The Lunch Lady Always Knows...

Last night we went to the Open House for the older boys' elementary school. Brandon and Tyler are still at the age where they're excited to go back to school, rather than dreading it. After making our way into the cafeteria to find out which teachers and classrooms the boys have, it was time to visit the Lunch Lady to make sure we had money in the accounts to cover lunch for a few weeks. The school serves both breakfast and lunch, but our boys only need lunch because daycare feeds them breakfast every morning before taking them to school--and they know they are not to eat breakfast at school because it costs extra! As we were finishing up with Tyler's account, he told the Lunch Lady that he couldn't remember his student number. She immediately said "Don't worry--you'll remember it easily because I remember you always eat breakfast and lunch every day." As Bryan started laying into little Mr. Tyler about this, I saw Brandon hiding around the corner. He knew he was next and didn't want the Lunch Lady spilling his secret. Fortunately for him, she didn't say a word about it...this time.

We met the teachers--they seemed nice and normal. I have to say normal because one of the kindergarten teachers last year seemed a little off...kind of like Miss Lippy from Billy Madison (she appears about halfway through this video) :

Tyler was a little bit nervous about being in a strange new classroom, but found out that his best friend is in his class this year (they were in separate classrooms during Kindergarten). As we made our way down the halls to leave, we ran into more and more of the kids' friends. And with each one, we asked which teacher they had--if the boys were in the same room, they'd rejoice and hug. If they weren't in the same class, they would just shrug and move on! We had to remind them that just because they weren't in the same class, that they could still talk and be friends!

I can't believe it's already time for school--the days seem to go by faster and faster these days. One day I'll turn around and they'll be off to college!

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