Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Heart Grew Three Sizes Today

I've had some really bad luck at work lately with a big job I've been working. It's gradually got me down...and then this weekend hit. Friday everything was looking good. Saturday everything went to crap. Today, it really went into the toilet. I worked both days this weekend--clawing, scratching, jumping through hoops, knocking down walls, calling people into work for help...and it got me right back to where I started. Needless to say, I was really pissed off and frustrated when I left work. It sure didn't feel like Christmas is in a few days. I felt like the Grinch.

What do I do when I feel crappy? I go to Starbucks!! I sat in the drive-through line, getting even more irritated because it was moving sooooo slooooowwwww...and then something unexpected happened.

When I pulled to the window in a huff, the cashier handed me my drink and then refused my card. I was confused. He said it wasn't necessary because the person in front of me had paid for my drink. In fact, the person before that guy bought his drink! I was a part of a chain of people buying the next person in line's drink--I was so surprised and touched! Of course, I kept it going.
After the shitty past few days and the way today ended at work, this one deed put a smile on my face. It was really cool to be part of something like that. My heart grew three sizes!

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