Friday, February 27, 2009

What Lurks in the Shadows

Bryan worked very hard last week organizing the garage so he could fit his car inside and work on it in the warmth of the garage. He hung stuff all over the walls (we have extremely high walls in our garage) and it looked the best it has since the day we moved in. Tonight I went out there to pick Loki up--he's so old that he scoots off the giant rug and then can't get up due to weak legs on the smooth concrete floor. If someone doesn't come pick him up on the first bark, he starts carrying on until the neighbors call... Anyhow, I noticed some drying water on the floor in an odd spot, so I called Bryan down to investigate.

It wasn't a lot of water, so I knew it wasn't a busted pipe. I just thought he'd want to move some stuff out of the way so it wouldn't get wet. Our investigation led us to the deep freezer, which had condensate all over it. Didn't really make sense--it was a new freezer, the inside was still cold, and that's not what happens when it goes through a defrost cycle. It was just then that a shadow caught Bryan's eye--underneath the 12-ft ladder hanging across the wall. That was no shadow. That was wet plaster. I knew our water pipes traveled through that particular garage wall, but this was not gushing. Turns out that the stud finder Bryan used for organizing the garage also detects PVC piping.

It is the big drain line from the washer and master bathroom above. And Bryan has never been so mad at himself. We all know what he'll be doing this weekend!

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