Saturday, February 21, 2009

Blood and Tears

Well, we almost officially had our first trip to the ER with one of the boys today--not for being sick (we've had planty of ER trips in that category), but for obatining a very deep gash to the brow bone that really should have stitches. Courtesy of his 2-year old brother, Tyler was on the receiving end of a flying wooden block. The amount of blood this little wound produced was really disturbing, and the fact that it was imediately above his eye made it look that much worse. It took us a good 30 minutes to get it to stop bleeding enough to put some liquid bandage on. Because the gash is smack in the middle of his eyebrow, a regular band-aid would rip all his hair off.

The Victim

So I'm sure you all are happy to hear that it wasn't something that our oldest son did--this time it was the youngest. And we know that with three boys, there will be plenty of blood and trips to the ER for one reason or another as they grow up.

The Culprit


Mother of Mayhem said...

Man, you haven't had the pleasure of stitches yet? 3 boys and no stitches???? Hunter got his first set the summer of '07 when he fell at the bucket pool and busted his chin open! He probably should have had them the year before that, but I was in Tiny Town at the time and wasn't about to take him to the ER there ~ fortunately the bleeding stopped that time! Did I mention my boy is a might bit clumsy?

Allison said...

glad he is ok!

The Wrenns said...

Nope--they've tumbled down several sets of stairs unharmed, fallen and gotten tangled up on playsets, thrown many toys at each other and still haven't managed to gouge deep enough for stitches! I know it's coming sooner or later...