Saturday, February 21, 2009

Bryan Seacrest

OK, Bryan officially knows way more about Ryan Seacrest than a normal male should. I have heard way too many stories about old ladies who keep calling into Seacrest's radio show with their expert child-rearing guidelines (aimed at either Angelina Jolie or the Octuplet Mom), women begging Ryan to tell them more about the link between The Oscars and The Bachelor...etc. Where has all this useful, new-found knowledge come from? Well, Mr. Bryan has been spending the last several evenings/late nights out tinkering with his car. And during that time, he listens to the only form of "music" that he can apparently find in our garage--Ryan Seacrest's voice over the radio. Our usual rock station turns over to Seacrest's show for several hours at night, and I guess Bryan is just too busy to turn the dial. Anyhow, his mission is to make the Jetta's sound system equal to or better than the Denali. Who would think that a 280-lb guy could fit into the trunk of a Jetta?

Judging from the thumping sounds I heard all the way into Starbucks last night, I think he's succeeded in the bass department. It does provide a nice butt massage as we zoom down the road.


Anonymous said...

How Funny! I love that picture. =) That is precisely the reason a blogger should never be without her camera. BTW- I love the Denali.

The Wrenns said...

Why, thank you! The picture just doesn't do it justice. And I'm merely trying to keep up with all you Seasoned Bloggers!