*UPDATE*--see bottom of post!
We made our weekly trip to Wal-Mart today, where the crowds of people who skipped church to buy grocieries in preparation of the "storm" were more than irritating for me and my kids, who didn't want to be there anyway. Alas, the weather man forecasted a 60% chance of snow. All hell breakes loose around here at the mere mention of snow, even though we get a few inches every year...come on, people! Well, this year the weather people have been wrong at least 4 times about their predictions of snow. They get everyone excited, and in the last hours before the supposed storm hits, they revise the forecast to just rain or nothing at all. And here we are again, a few hours before this "60% chance of snow", with a revised forecast of just some rain. What a bunch of crap.
Anyhow, my story began with our trip to Wal-Mart. On the way home, Nick started throwing a fit because the wind wasn't blowing the right direction, or something like that. We were already irate from dealing with too many people at Wally World, so we just decided to bite our tongues and ignore him. We eventually heard the sound of velcro amongst the toddler sounds for "F-You"--indicating Nick was taking off his shoes in protest. The next thing we knew, a shoe was flying into the dashboard--barely missed Bryan's head. As we overcame our shock, the other shoe was already in the air. This time it hit the intended target--Bryan's head. Bryan evidently does not come from the George Bush lineage, as he did not inherit the gene for dodging flying shoes.
*UPDATE* Just as I finished writing and publishing this post, I glanced outside and to my surprise, the snow is falling! It is icy snow, and it is coming down hard. And not melting. Oh, and this is still after the weather man just recently reversed his snow forecast and changed it to rain. The man can't win!