Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Love BFFs

Aaaaaand for this week (yeah, I know I'm a few hours early):

  • I think little-kid-OCD is hilarious. And around our house with 3 screaming banshees we keep military schedules--otherwise we parents would not survive. So if any little thing happens in the wrong order, tantrums ensue. The latest came from the 2.5-year-old. He got sent to time out, only to have a complete nuclear meltdown. When we asked him what was wrong, he said he wanted to go to that time-out (points to the other corner where the older boys sit in time out). Once there, he sat quietly like he was supposed to.

  • Headline on my Blackberry from Reuters on Tuesday: "Swine Flu Not Kosher for Isreal". So they refuse to call it swine flu (this was before the Nightly News reported that the World Health Org was going to stop calling it swine flu to due potential negative impact to the pork industry.) I just thought it was funny.

  • I was sitting at the doctor's office with my youngest the day I saw that headline. I had the very first appointment of the day, and somehow the doctor was STILL 45 minutes late! And what would happen if I showed up 45 minutes late? How'd you think that would go over?

  • Hubby and I have somewhat been at each other's throats over stupid stuff the last few days. Tonight it was about bird crap. Yes, totally stupid. Anyhow, neither one of us were going to give into the other and we ended up throwing low blows and then total silence. I have this habit of taking my anger toward my husband out on the house by - get this - furiously cleaning! (Yeah--I'll show you! I'll go clean the upstairs and then you'll really be sorry!) During the inevitable make-up, we always joke that he should piss me off more often.

  • The fight about bird crap was that a giant seagull dumped his load all over my driver's side door. In a nutshell, we fought over whether or not I could take the truck to the car wash. I told you it was stupid.
Anyhow, click over to Jaci's page for more farts!


Anonymous said...

Maybe fighting with husbands is a spring thing, like spring cleaning? Cause I'm in the same situation you are!

The temper tantrum over time out would have made me laugh--then I probably would have doubled the time. I'm mean like that.

Kathy said...

I've heard of people who clean when they are upset. Maybe your husband is picking fights. I know mine would.

And doctors being late... don't get me started. "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to reschedule & charge you for the time you made me sit in this room watching MSNBC and reading Hiking magazine."

Shannon said...

I do the same thing... clean when I get mad at the hubs! HA!

And doctors must run on their own special time... but they need to get on the same time as everyone else! Grrrr...

Brindi said...

I wish I cleaned when I was mad. My house would be spotless.