Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Backseat Driver Wins!

I obviously have not nagged Bryan enough about his driving habits. He gets super annoyed with all my squeals, barks, and crazy looks as I ride next to him in his car. And then he loves to remind me that he was not the last person to be in a car wreck...I was. And then I shut up for a few minutes until I just can't help myself... So yeah, that brand new car the he bought at the end of January? I got the call late Tuesday night as he was on his way into work. Car wreck. The best part? It was his fault. I am still confused over what exactly happened, but he clearly admits it's his fault and no one was hurt, so the only thing left to worry about is the condition of his car. When he called, I was passed out on the couch and a little incoherent. He talks fast when he gets excited, so I was thinking the while side of his car was smashed. Here are a couple of pictures:

Can you see it? Just a few scratches--the body shop estimate was barely over our insurance deductible. The best part about this is that he can no longer hang my old car wreck over my head when I nag him about his driving habits. HA!

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