Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What is With That #@%& Alarm?!

I was awakened by a strange sound a few nights ago that made me get up to investigate. Bryan has been working the evening shift, and has a habit of coming home just to fall asleep on the couch watching TV. Did I mention that he's deaf, so he turns it up so loud that the neighbors can hear? Anyhow, I assumed the strange noise was coming from a TV show, but the minute I poked my head out of the room the sound was gone. So I went and got comfortable in bed.

Just as I drifted off, the sound started again. A beeping sound, like a travel alarm clock. What the ...? I sighed, rolled my eyes and started out of bed again. Then it stopped. Grrr...

I started thinking through my mind where the heck a travel alarm clock would be in our room. Did my little nephew hide one in our room a few weeks ago while he was visiting? Maybe his mom (my sister) put him up to it? It went off again, coming from the direction of our couch under the front window. I jumped up and started digging through the piles of blankets and pillows junked all over the couch. It stopped. Ok, WTF?

I just wanna get some friggin' sleep!! I stood in front of that couch waiting for it to go off again, and just when I was about to give up--it started again. As I honed in on the source, I swore I heard it...outside?! I peeked through the blinds and sure enough, it was Bryan's car. What?! His car alarm is going off! I started yelling for him, yelled over the balcony, and ran downstairs (because he wasn't budging from the sleeping position). As he came to and realized what I was yelling about, he went outside to investigate. (The alarm was not on at this point).

Nothing. No break-in, no open doors. Bryan thought I was crazy. "If you missed me, just say so" as if the only reason I ran downstairs screaming at him to wake up is because I just needed some lovin'. Just then, the alarm started again. Coincidentally, so did his phone. Because his phone syncs with his car, I thought maybe his ringing phone was causing the horn to honk. As that great idea rolled off my tongue, Bryan looked at me as if I was a total idiot. Come on!--it's past 1 AM! I thought it was a darn good explanation for random horn honking... Well, he pulled the car into the garage and left it unlocked. The alarm never went off again (thank God, or I would have torn the battery out with my bare hands) and we never figured out what happened.

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