Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm Ba-ack!

OK, in the last few weeks we have:

  1. Been in a "minor" wreck and found out the insurance company of the driver at fault doesn't want to cover it--thank God we have a "real" insurance company that is going to play hardball for us.

  2. Gotten our new furballs spayed and neutered a few weeks early due to the non-stop humping around the house (both of them were guilty).

  3. Attended two trophy ceremonies to wrap up the end of soccer season for our two oldest boys.

  4. Partied with all varieties of people while watching the Kentucky Derby--complete with drunk rednecks, hayrides and a trebuchet.

  5. Built a 350-square foot patio & walkway with our bare hands and help from no one else.

  6. Turned my now wrecked luxury SUV into a pickup truck for hauling gravel, sand, pavers and sod to build aforementioned patio.

So, am I forgiven for being absent? Yes, of patio coming soon...

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