Monday, May 3, 2010

Lilo and Stitch

...That is what we should have names our littlest four-legged monsters. Wherever they go, a path of destruction is left behind. They destroyed my day lilies and azaleas (see that nub of a twig?--used to be a big, flowering bush.)

They continue to pull up the new sod around our new patio. And they have pawed the screen off the back door--when we actually found it, the door was hanging off the rail.

I raised a destructive rottweiler from a puppy--he didn't hold a candle to the two tazmanian devils we have now. They are lucky they are so darned cute (yes--Duke is sound asleep here.)

Alas!--the patio. Voila!

Now when we have our handful of friends over, we can actually mingle on dry land vice muddy grass!

Notice this project is the standard 99.9% complete--Bryan has yet to cut the pavers to fit the odd spaces...and it will probably stay that way for MONTHS. Not that I really care--I'm darned happy to have a nice place to cook & eat outside now. It just wouldn't be right not to nag my husband a little bit--even though he did a fantastic job. (with my supervision)

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