Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blog Fart Friday

Blog Farts – noun. Def: Crappy ideas that are too short to make a real blog post, but when combined, join forces to make one unified, albeit half assed, post. Hosted by Jaci.

  • All the schools here in the state are going through "SOLs", i.e. "Standards of Learning" tests. I think that's a hilarious acronym for state-wide standardized testing. If you don't pass, your school is SOL...ha ha!

  • How the heck do you call the police without calling 911? What if I don't have a true emergency, but need a cop dispatched to bust some kids down the street smoking pot and looking for trouble? Or you feel the need to call the cops because your kids' chicken nuggets from McDonald's are cold?

  • My boss' son & his family live a few miles down the road here in redneck-ville. They love to get together on the weekends with their guns and have a "cook-n-shoot". In my boss's words, "The food better be good!" Did I mention that I have 2 holes in the side of my house from rednecks shooting their .22s in the woods here?

  • I was watching NBC's 30 Rock the other night, and heard the following: "We need an emergency marshall for fires, terrorist attacks, Cloverfield monsters..." Maybe it's because I haven't had much of a social life for the last few years, but I thought the reference to the Cloverfield monster was hilarious. Blogworthy? Probably not, but I put it here anyway.


Anonymous said...

I think the police phone number is in the front of your phone book...along with the fire department. You know, just in case I have a SMALL fire and have the time to look up the fire department's main number and not bother the Emergency Dispatcher.

Isn't it true that if you call 911 and don't have an emergency, you can get in trouble? I don't know if it's a fine or what, but usually the local news gets ahold of your phone call and plays it as public humiliation.

Brandy said...

You're right about SOL's...and that's why the kids don't really learn much. The teachers teach to the test and not to what the kids need to learn. I hate those dumb tests.

I think cold nuggets ARE a true emergency. Especially if I don't have sauce for them too.